Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Swing this!

So yes, the dancing has returned. At bloody last. It was pretty awesome and I got to show off a bit - it really is the only thing where I actively want the opportunity to show off a bit. 

I got the most excited email (see below) I've ever received from MJ today and the lesson was totally worth the excitement.

Salut Jennie!

Tonight is the night !!!! Let's swingggggg !

Ce soir, ce sera le cours de base... le pas de base et la connection. J'crois pas qu'on ait du plaisir 100%, mais, on pourra danser après quand même!!! :o) 


Je crois que je porterai une jupe! Mes élèves s'en sont acheté aussi hahahahaha! Ah j'ai hâte! Je suis fébrile!
Donc, j'attends de tes nouvelles pour savoir si je vais te chercher ou non! :o) À CE SOIR !!!!! :o)

MJ, xxx

If you don't speak French just check out the punctuation and orthography. 

But I think my favourite thing about this evening was that Denis (the teacher) arrived chewing on a toothpick. I don't believe I've seen anyone genuinely do that before and while I could not pull it off, it did look cool.

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