Thursday, 25 February 2010

CSQ and the near future- nothing witty about this title, sorry.

At CSQ or Carnaval Swing Québec was how I spent my weekend. In the company of two of my dancing heros: Max Pitruzzella and Annie Trudeau. I would just like to say now, in the most fangirly way possible... MAX TOUCHED MY ARM OMG!!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!  and it wasn't just a "touch" it was a "held in the air" - he was telling people that I was a girl-leader and that that is a good thing and they should dance with me. But, you know, in French. 

I learnt to lead some new moves and on the Sunday when it got more complicated and I was more tired I followed some new moves. The question now is whether I can retain anything to use in the future. We shall see.

It is also increasingly likely that I will set up my own dance class at my school for my staff and students on Thursdays right after school. Now I need to train up an assistant so that I can teach effectively. Teaching as a single person is probably not possible when dealing with a room of people who've never done it before. Hmmm... Maybe should sort out a video or something... But how? 

I have a lot to sort out because on Saturday I'm going to Montreal for a gig by one Mr. C.R. Avery and then training it down to NYC on Sunday. Thankfully Steph asked if she could come along so I'll not be all on my lonesome no more. Also, Steph is awesome. Heading back to Montreal on Thursday and that evening Radio Radio are playing a gig to launch their new album which I will be attending if I'm not entirely dead! Then on Friday I'll hop on the bus (that costs more than the train to NYC) to go to Rimouski for a few days - you know, since I've not been there yet.

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