Thursday, 25 February 2010

CSQ and the near future- nothing witty about this title, sorry.

At CSQ or Carnaval Swing Québec was how I spent my weekend. In the company of two of my dancing heros: Max Pitruzzella and Annie Trudeau. I would just like to say now, in the most fangirly way possible... MAX TOUCHED MY ARM OMG!!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!  and it wasn't just a "touch" it was a "held in the air" - he was telling people that I was a girl-leader and that that is a good thing and they should dance with me. But, you know, in French. 

I learnt to lead some new moves and on the Sunday when it got more complicated and I was more tired I followed some new moves. The question now is whether I can retain anything to use in the future. We shall see.

It is also increasingly likely that I will set up my own dance class at my school for my staff and students on Thursdays right after school. Now I need to train up an assistant so that I can teach effectively. Teaching as a single person is probably not possible when dealing with a room of people who've never done it before. Hmmm... Maybe should sort out a video or something... But how? 

I have a lot to sort out because on Saturday I'm going to Montreal for a gig by one Mr. C.R. Avery and then training it down to NYC on Sunday. Thankfully Steph asked if she could come along so I'll not be all on my lonesome no more. Also, Steph is awesome. Heading back to Montreal on Thursday and that evening Radio Radio are playing a gig to launch their new album which I will be attending if I'm not entirely dead! Then on Friday I'll hop on the bus (that costs more than the train to NYC) to go to Rimouski for a few days - you know, since I've not been there yet.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Pancake Day FAIL.

These crazy people don't know what pancake day is. Only my second favourite holiday-that-you-don't-get-time-off-for after the one where we burn a pretend guy...

It was also my day off and I went SKIING. With MUCH greater success than last time. Much. However, this means the next time I will get to sleep in past 7 am is likely to be 26th February. Ten days! Aaaaarrrrghhhh!

On the plus side this is because of SKIIIIIIING and SWIIIIIIIING. Two things that look very similar when written like that. I will sleep when... ummm... I don't have skiing or swinging to do?

Due to both of these I did not get pancakes today. Booooooo. After skiing I didn't have much time before swing to make myself half respectable. 

On the plus side, I got a ROSE! From a male person! First time EVER. 

Let me give you a brief history of the flowers I've been given:
I've had a single stem pink thing (dunno what it was) from the (retired) female owner of the shop I used to work in. The (now retired) manageress of said shop gave me a huuuuge bunch to say good luck at uni and well done in your A-levels. A colleague, also of the same shop, gave me flowers for my 18th (I will be 23 in May) and for my last birthday Abbs gave me some lilies that she'd been given but found the pollen too much for her nose. Second hand flowers. Not that I was in a position to complain. I was also given a small flowering plant by my responsable in France. Which I managed to not kill (result). My responsable was a sweet French lady a couple of years off retirement. 

Back to the rose. It was for my helping with the swing classes. Which is kinda ridiculous because if I didn't then I wouldn't get to dance. But also pretty awesome. P.S. It's yellow and goes really well with my room.

Monday, 15 February 2010

The word on everyone's lips.

Not that I've ever had this happen but, I imagine, if a guy were to give me chocolates in a heart-shaped box for Valentine's Day that would be the end of the relationship. 

However, the fact that my landlady did exactly that, comes across as charming and thoughtful.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Swing this!

So yes, the dancing has returned. At bloody last. It was pretty awesome and I got to show off a bit - it really is the only thing where I actively want the opportunity to show off a bit. 

I got the most excited email (see below) I've ever received from MJ today and the lesson was totally worth the excitement.

Salut Jennie!

Tonight is the night !!!! Let's swingggggg !

Ce soir, ce sera le cours de base... le pas de base et la connection. J'crois pas qu'on ait du plaisir 100%, mais, on pourra danser après quand même!!! :o) 


Je crois que je porterai une jupe! Mes élèves s'en sont acheté aussi hahahahaha! Ah j'ai hâte! Je suis fébrile!
Donc, j'attends de tes nouvelles pour savoir si je vais te chercher ou non! :o) À CE SOIR !!!!! :o)

MJ, xxx

If you don't speak French just check out the punctuation and orthography. 

But I think my favourite thing about this evening was that Denis (the teacher) arrived chewing on a toothpick. I don't believe I've seen anyone genuinely do that before and while I could not pull it off, it did look cool.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Time is escaping me.

This week: 
Monday - school, tutoring
Tuesday - school, dancing
Wednesday - school, skating
Thursday - school, skiing
Friday - recovering, Quebec City (CARNAVAL)
Saturday and Sunday - Quebec, returning therefrom, Eibhlin's birthday

Also supposed to go for a meal some point during the week for Eibhlin's birthday. Also have to sort out her card and present. 

It is Fiona's birthday the following week and we're going out one of the evenings. That weekend I'm going to Quebec City again but for CSQ: a whole weekend of SWING!

The following weekend CR is playing Montreal. I kinda need to be there. It is also the start of Spring Break and due to circumstances beyond my control I HAVE NO PLANS. 

I'm a week into February and it is almost March. Stupid short month. Gah!

Also my body kind of hates me for (cross country) skiing, skating, snowshoeing (much easier than the skiing) and skidooing (my favourite). My weekend was brought to (errr) me by the letter S.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

And the young man watched the snow through the window.

Lison took Eibhlin and I cross country skiing today. We managed six kilometres in the time it took her to do 14... This was mostly because of all the time I spent sitting/lying in the snow and not actually skiing. Eibhlin probably could've managed ten in that time but thankfully she stopped periodically and waited for me to catch up.

Going very slowly or "shuffling" isn't too hard until you get to a downhill but every time I got up a bit of speed - even on flat bits - I lost my balance. Although from the start where I had fear and dreaded the downhills by the end I loved them even if I knew I was more likely to end up on my bum than my feet.  Oddly, I fell quite a bit at the start then got into it a bit, then got more into it and fell over even more.

This winter I have learnt that I don't need to be good at something to enjoy it.

My knees are still bruised from my ice skating fall (I was trying to go backwards and I can only just about go forwards) last Sunday and they ache after exertion however, despite ski du fond this morning and skating this afternoon it is infinitely more comfortable to stand than sit on my poor bruised behind. I really enjoy skating and I very much want to do ski du fond again - it was so beautiful, moving amongst snow dusted fir trees with flakes falling gently from the sky. At least I was good at skidooing, small mercies. 

Hopefully I will remain upright somewhat better when I try snow-shoeing tomorrow. I'm also trying ski alpin for the FIRST TIME on THURSDAY. (Get me and my getting out there). I'm supposed to go to Quebec City on Friday. I might be dead. And then I won't get to go skidooing again. Better not die. 

Also. ALSO! Swing is back on Tuesday. Hurrah! And in two weeks I will be at a Swing weekender in the big QC. Awe. Som. U. Lar. Marie-Josée came skating today and we were talking and I'm really hoping she's gonna come to the swing thing. It would be so much more awesome if she did. And Marco. People! I know people!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Colder than a well-digger's ass. Whacha gonna do?



Now that the temperatures are quite punishing (as it was my day off and -25 Celsius outside I chose to stay under the quilt until gone midday waiting for it to warm up a bit) I'm seeing more and more [elderly] women dressed in fur. Head to toe. And many people with touches of fur.

I was wandering about town for over an hour today and my legs were cold but everyone is walking around in jeans. Unless I have skates slung over my shoulder I don't feel that I can really get away with wearing my BRIGHT PINK ski pants around town. At least Eibhlin's are black so they could just be slightly chavvy trousers, mine are most definitely ski pants. However, however, my torso was not a bit cold. My winter coat may not really be what elderly ladies go for but for the price of a fur they could surely find a chic down-filled coat.

I've never worn a fur coat nor a down-filled one so I wouldn't know how warm they are but most people here seem to survive just fine on the latter and synthetic fabrics. One of the ladies I saw today did not even look terribly warm in her ankle length fur.

Fur is something that often comes up in fashion debates. And it seems a lot of people I consider to be stylish do wear fur. Although many of these say it is okay because the fur is vintage and that's recycling, right? 

But here, while I've only seen elderly women wearing fur coats, I've seen people of all ages wearing fur.  Including myself. !. Yes. I have some beautiful white earmuffs and they are far warmer than anything else I've found. I bought them because they look lovely and feel wonderful and were not a bit expensive. At the time I did look for something saying what they were made of - not a sign. After the purchase I looked at them more carefully and made an educated guess that the outside is rabbit (I've had two pet rabbits, I refuse to eat rabbit. I wear it almost every day) and the inside is sheepskin. This was then confirmed by a teacher who said I'd made a wise purchase and regularly greets me with ah, c'est le petit lapin. Guilt. Toasty cute guilt.

I know some of the other assistants have fur hats and you can buy winter coats with fur trimmed hoods. I've seen many people wearing such items. The fur on my hood is most definitely fake and looks decidedly fake. It also doesn't have the warming properties but does certainly help at keeping the snow off my face. 

I can't see any reason to wear fur in Britain even if this winter has been somewhat colder than in the past. I think it a lot less socially acceptable but here it is tradition. I'm not even sure how much of it is a style thing as the women I saw in the bank were not chic-ly dressed. Perhaps it is something they accepted and never thought to question.

As a child I remember we had fur-things in our loft that belonged to great aunts and grandmas. They may still be there, I don't know. I liked them, they felt nice. I don't like the look of fur coats - they're too much - but I love to stroke them. When I was in Chicago I saw a bright pink hat that felt wonderful and I knew instantly that it was real fur. The label confirmed the fact. Guilt again.

I wouldn't buy a hat or a coat, new or vintage. It is too much. The animal was definitely killed for its skin. I can at least hope that animal who gave its skin for my earmuffs was killed for food ...or just died of old age...? 

My problem with the "vintage" argument/excuse is that it is saying fur is stylish and fur is okay to wear. If you see someone wearing a fur coat you cannot know whether they bought it new or second/third/fourth etc hand. The problem with "vintage" is that the term is used to mean a great range of things. From pieces that have really survived the decades (I'm talking pre-1960) to second hand. This can surely be abused. Your mum bought a fur coat and when you were old enough passed it on to you? Vintage. Hmmmm.

There are adverts on TV here for shops that sell just furs. And from the view I get of America (TV/film/Internet/brief visit) it is just a lot more acceptable on this continent. 

It isn't even that I'm vegetarian. A year in France saw to that. I'm just not too fond of meat and I rather like animals. Not enough to regularly donate to animal charities or adopt a lot of pets though. Presently, my one (slightly inadvertent) foray into this somewhat dubious look has this advantage: it is like having a pet that you don't have to feed, will never get sick and you don't have to worry about it dying. This one accessory is like cannabis - a gateway into a whole other world. In this case I'm thinking more taxidermy than drugs.

I don't know if I'll wear my earmuffs next winter. 

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

15 minutes till 24

Canada is great. Having cable in Canada is better. Getting to watch 24 before the peeps at home makes me feel special and privileged, as well I should for braving temperatures below -20 Celsius just to teach some Quebeckers how to speak properly...

Passing my time in one of my most favourite ways - no, not dying my hair - reading style blogs, I come across many many people bemoaning the prevalence of Uggs. My favourite part about the one linked to there is that it points out the shuffly nature of Ugg-wearers. If I was to do a Monday Rage List (Artur Boruc stylee @Miss Duck (oh the internets)) it would go something like this...


Also I forgot to say: I'm going to the 2010 Montreal GP. But Kimi won't be there. MS will. I'm still not over Kimi not getting a championship when he was at McLaren (I WILL CRUSH RON'S FACE WITH STOMPY STOMPY BOOTS!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!)

That was far too geeky. 24!

Monday, 1 February 2010

Best laid plans etc

Yes yes yes. I did mean to keep a nice blog here of all my adventures on the North American continent. Unfortunately as soon as something becomes an obligation it loses its fun, hence the dearth of entries.

On the plus side (for me) I have kept something of a record of my doings in a notebook.

Since Christmas (in Chicago with Added Abby And Eric Awesomeness) and 2010-welcoming at Stoneham (the ski resort near Quebec City not the small village in East Sussex) followed by the incredible Cirque du Soleil and particularly fabulous outfit on my part, even if I do say so myself, I've not really done a whole lot.

I bought ice skates! Hockey ones. And I'm getting there, slowly. I've been skating six times since I bought them just over two weeks ago - only need to go three more times until the cost-per-wear is less than skate hire. Hurrah! Maybe by April I will have a new skill. Or maybe I will have so thoroughly destroyed my knees that I will never dance again. Who knows?

Today one of the teachers who works with Eibhlin took us skidooing with another teacher and a head teacher. They really are too generous round here. It was AH-MAY-ZING. They found my need for speed amusing. But I kept it upright and got some good speed up, also got a bit of air at one point... I love the snow.

Talking of snow, we have really great snow right now. On Friday it was a snow day so Eibhlin and I celebrated by playing in the back garden like children.

Rather unfortunately this is not snowman building snow. We attempted snowballs but they didn't work either. However, I believe there is some sort of ice-sculpture competition in town tomorrow. Eibhlin and I spotted some industrious types hard at work on Friday.

A frustrating aspect of Canadian (or is it just Quebec?) life is that they're really behind with the whole mobile/internet thing. Basically phones and internets are on complicated and expensive plans that wring all the money they can out of you then change the rules and bully you for more. Bastards. This means I must spend less time on YouTube watching swing videos and more time reading/knitting/drawing/skating/learning German but no. In reality I have replaced video footage with fashion blogs. And shopping websites. I'm planning my amazing teachering outfits so that I will become my students' favourite. Well, I realise some sort of teaching ability will probably be the main thing here but stunning dresses and fabulous shoes can't hurt...? I feel this dress would go down well - good job it isn't on sale just yet.

Can I come back to England for the shopping please? I know where I can get the stuff I like and I don't have to worry about how much it'll cost to ship across the Atlantic. Don't get me wrong, I'm having a great time and totally not ready to leave but my superficial streak is clawing at me. Probably because the more I buy here the more it'll cost to post home and I'm yet to discover a shop I love here. This has inspired a lot of "if..." shopping - I decided on a look I want, I find the components for it on the internet, I do not buy it. But I would. If I was in England, employed, with cash and a fabulous little Karmann Ghia to set it all off with. This article didn't help although I do wish I could be even bolder with my outfits. Like Katie.

More reading French, less reading fashion blogs/style sections.

Unless they're in French.

Radio 4 makes everywhere home

Some point before Christmas (this post started life on the 8th November, it was updated on the 19th, it is now a few hours until February. Ooops) I discovered that while iPlayer will not let me watch BBC television in Canada, it will let me listen to the radio. I never listened to Radio 4 at home but it is the ex-pat thing, it makes you more patriotic or at least more stereotypically [insert relevant nationality here].

Here are two quotes I particularly enjoyed.

David Mitchell on the News Quiz, BBC Radio 4: "what's annoying is the way that something gets more respect is to make it more like a religion. That people's essentially delusional beliefs in omnipotent beings is something you've really gotta respect and not sack them for but just an opinion based on science you can ignore."

"The middle classes have always shoplifted; surely no one actually buys Royal Doulton figurines" Sandi Toksvig also on the News Quiz (man I love it).

There are two ways I find out about what is happening at home: the (usually at about 7:10 am, ten minutes before I need to get up, annoyingly I always spend at least 20 browsing... ...the style sections) and the News Quiz. Now for a cup of tea.